Happy To Be Here

A few days ago Pahpah and I were on our way home when we decided to make a quick Starbucks stop. The barista who took our order was incredibly chipper which is normal inside the store but not as much in drive-thrus, so I was /delighted/. I just figured he was having a really good day at work, but I was happy that he was happy. Then we went over to the window to pay for and pick up our drinks, Pahpah asked how he was and he went “I’m just happy to be here man.” He could have meant that in a I’m-happy-I-have-this-job way, but I feel like he meant “I’m happy to be alive and to be here.” I was so moved by it. Usually when asked this question a person responds with “I’m fine,” or “Ehhh, a little tired.” Not that there’s anything wrong with those answers but I never truly appreciate just being alive.

I’m in the process of obtaining a certification to become a yoga instructor, I’m required to read three books and watch four informational DVDs. The first I completed The Heart of Yoga: Developing a Personal Practice and just like its title suggests, it teaches about maintaining one’s yoga practice which is obviously important if you’re looking to teach other people. I brought up the barista earlier because what he said reminded me of something that’s essential with the practice.
In yoga we have two attitudes: yama, our attitude and behaviour toward the things and people around us and niyama, our attitude towards ourselves. I’m thinking of a particular type of niyama, saṃtoṣa. Saṃtoṣa is modesty and the feeling of being content with what we have. It can also mean, to accept what has happened and to learn from it. What it doesn’t mean is to force yourself to be happy about something.

Out of all of the yamas and niyamas, I feel like this is the most difficult to observe and eventually correct. I struggle with this in a lot of areas of my life, but especially during a yoga class. One day I’m able to hold crow for a solid five seconds, another day I can’t even get both feet off the floor. Saṃtoṣa says instead of complaining about not being able to hold the pose, I observe and accept where my body is allowing me to go and I remember for when I face crow the next time.


It’s easy to see how unfair a situation is but if we let ourselves warm up to this mindset it will only lead to our judgement becoming more and more clouded until you see everything in your life in the same jaded way. If you don’t get that promotion or you had an off day with a friend, you don’t go out of your way to find all of the negatives nor do you force yourself to somehow be happy about it. You kind of just have to go, “Yeah well, it is what it is.” and then focus on what you do have. Only then can you move towards a life with a clear perspective.

2 thoughts on “Happy To Be Here

  1. Johnk308 says:

    Wynn documented revenue before last number of quartersit could possibly preserve stagnating, or maybe counterpicking. gbbbeckbbbbb

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